1 crossover time
астр. эра излучения -
2 crossover time
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > crossover time
3 crossover time
[ʹkrɒsəʋvə͵taım] астр. -
4 crossover time
['krɒsəʊvəˌtaɪm]Астрономия: эра излучения (в развитии Вселенной) -
5 crossover time
астрон. -
6 эра излучения
астр. crossover timeБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > эра излучения
7 tool
1. ( режущий) инструмент; резец || обрабатывать инструментом; обрабатывать резцом2. станок; приспособление«J» pin running tool — инструмент для спуска со штыря под J-образным пазом (для спуска подводного оборудования к подводному устью скважины)
«J» slot type running tool — инструмент для спуска с J-образными пазами; инструмент с байонетными пазами (для спуска и подъёма подводного оборудования)
bowl protector running and retrieving tool — инструмент для спуска и подъёма защитной втулки (устанавливаемой в устьевую головку с целью предохранения рабочих поверхностей головки от повреждения при прохождении бурового инструмента)
cam actuated running tool — инструмент для спуска с гребёнками; спусковой инструмент с гребенчатыми плашками
casing hanger packoff retrieving and reinstallation tool — инструмент для съёма и повторной установки уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны
casing hanger running tool — инструмент для спуска подвесной головки обсадной колонны (для спуска обсадной колонны и подвески её в подвесной головке предыдущей колонны)
direct drive casing hanger running tool — специальный инструмент для одновременного спуска обсадной колонны и уплотнительного узла её подвесной головки
drill pipe emergency hangoff tool — инструмент для аварийной подвески бурильной колонны (на плашках одного из превенторов подводного блока превенторов)
guideline connector installing tool — инструмент для установки соединителя направляющего каната (подводного устьевого оборудования)
pump open circulating tool — инструмент для циркуляции, открываемый давлением
remote guide line connector releasing tool — инструмент для отсоединения дистанционно управляемого замка направляющего каната
rotation release running tool — инструмент для спуска, отсоединяющийся вращением
seal assembly retrieving tool — инструмент для извлечения уплотнительного устройства (в случае его неисправности)
seal assembly running tool — инструмент для спуска уплотнительного узла (для уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны)
temporary abandonment cup running and retrieving tool — инструмент для спуска и извлечения колпака временно оставляемой морской скважины
wellhead casing hanger test tool — устьевой опрессовочный инструмент подвесной головки обсадной колонны
wireline operated circulation tool — управляемый тросом инструмент для циркуляции (используемый при пробной эксплуатации скважины)
— TFL tool
* * *
1. инструмент2. устройство4. pl. средстваcam actuated running tool — инструмент для спуска с гребенками; спусковой инструмент с гребенчатыми плашками
casing hanger packoff retrieving and reinstallation tool — инструмент для съёма и повторной установки уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны
choke-and-kill line pressure test tool — колпак для опрессовки штуцерной линии и линии глушения скважины
choke-and-kill line stabbing tool — стыковочное устройство штуцерной линии и линии глушения скважины
circulating through-flowline well servicing tool — инструмент, закачиваемый циркуляцией через выкидную линию
direct drive casing hanger running tool — специальный инструмент для одновременного спуска обсадной колонны и уплотнительного узла её подвесной головки
drill pipe emergency hangoff tool — инструмент для аварийной подвески бурильной колонны (на плашках одного из противовыбросовых превенторов подводного блока)
powered epithermal neutron tool — прибор нейтронного каротажа по надтепловым нейтронам с прижимным зондом
seal assembly running tool — инструмент для спуска уплотнительного узла (для уплотнения подвесной головки обсадной колонны)
to orient a deflecting tool — ориентировать отклоняющий инструмент;
to run tools to the bottom — спускать инструмент на забой скважины;
wellhead casing hanger test tool — устьевой опрессовочный инструмент подвесной головки обсадной колонны
wireline operated circulation tool — управляемый тросом инструмент для циркуляции (используемый при пробной эксплуатации скважины)
— n-n tool
* * *
1. инструмент; орудие; резец2. средство
* * *
1) инструмент2) станок; прибор; приспособление; устройство3) скважинный прибор; каротажный зонд4) pl средства•tool closed — скважинный инструмент закрыт;
to feed drilling tool — подавать буровой инструмент;
to orient a deflecting tool — ориентировать отклоняющий инструмент;
to pull tools — поднимать бурильную колонну (<<из скважины>);
to run tools to the bottom — спускать инструмент на забой скважины;
to set a deflecting tool on bottom of hole — устанавливать отклоняющий инструмент на забой ствола скважины;
to stack the tools — выбрасывать бурильные трубы на мостки;
- air percussion tooltool to tubing substitute — переводник с инструмента на насосно-компрессорные трубы;
- auxiliary drilling tool
- blade drilling tool
- blasting tools
- blow protector running and retrieving tool
- blowout preventer stripping tool
- blowout preventer test tool
- borehole geometry tool
- cable tool
- cable-drilling tool
- cable-fishing tool
- caliper tool
- caliper logging tool
- calking tool
- cam actuated running tool
- cased-hole tool
- casing hanger packoff retrieving and reinstallation tool
- casing hanger running tool
- casing hanger test tool
- casing head tool
- casing potential profiling tool
- cementing tool
- chisel bit tool
- choke-and-kill line pressure test tool
- choke-and-kill line stabbing tool
- circulating fishing tool
- circulating through-flowline well servicing tool
- cleaning tool
- cold-pinch tool
- collapsible drilling tool
- combination drilling tool
- combination logging tool
- combination running-and-pressure testing tool
- combined-arrangement diamond drilling tool
- compensated density logging tool
- compensated neutron logging tool
- contact logging tool
- core drilling tool
- coring tool
- crossover running tool
- cutting tool
- cutting drilling tool
- deep induction tool
- deep laterlog tool
- deep resistivity measuring tool
- deflecting tool
- deflection tool
- density logging tool
- diagnostic tool
- diamond-drilling tool
- diamond-insert tool
- diamond-set tool
- diamond-set hard-alloy tool
- diamond-set hard-metal tool
- differential fill-up tool
- direct drive casing hanger running tool
- directional tool
- directional orientation tool
- disassembly tool
- downhole tool
- downhole circulating tool
- downhole survey tool
- drill tool
- drill pipe emergency hangoff tool
- drill stem tool
- drilling tool
- drilling-and-belling tool
- drillout tool
- drillstem test tool
- dual induction tool
- dual laterolog tool
- edge tool
- electrical resistivity logging tool
- electrical survey tool
- electromagnetic fishing tool
- erecting tools
- expandable drilling tool
- expansion drilling tool
- extraction tool
- field tool
- fishing tool
- fishproof tool
- flow-line tool
- focused microresistivity tool
- focusing-electrode tool
- gamma-ray logging tool
- gamma-ray neutron tool
- hand tool
- handling tool
- grappling tool
- gross-count gamma-ray tool
- guideline connector installing tool
- guideline connector release tool
- guideline cutting tool
- hard-alloy drilling tool
- high-resolution temperature logging tool
- high-temperature logging tool
- holding tool
- hole caliper logging tool
- hostile environment logging tool
- hydraulic clean-out tool
- hydraulic fishing tool
- hydraulic impact fishing tool
- hydraulic pulling fishing tool
- hydraulic side-wall coring tool
- impact fishing tool
- impregnated diamond drilling tool
- induction-and-electrical survey tool
- induction logging tool
- inside fishing tool
- inspection tool
- integrated tool
- irradiating tool
- J-lot running tool
- J-pin running tool
- laterolog tool
- liner running-setting tool
- liner swivel tool
- liner tie-back setting tool
- logging tool
- logging sonde tool
- lost tool
- magnetic fishing tool
- maintenance tools
- mandrel-type logging tool
- marine conductor stripping tool
- marine riser handling tool
- measuring-while-drilling tool
- mechanical orienting tool
- microlog tool
- microresistivity tool
- millable tool
- milling tool
- main drilling tool
- maintenance tool
- multiple-shot tool
- natural gamma-ray logging tool
- neutron depth control logging tool
- neutron-gamma tool
- neutron-logging tool
- neutron-thermal neutron tool
- n-n tool
- noise logging tool
- noncompensated sonic tool
- noncore drilling tool
- nonreleasing fishing tool
- nuclear logging tool
- oil-finding tool
- open-hole logging tool
- outside fishing tool
- packer milling tool
- packer setting tool
- packing tool
- percussion tool
- permanent-magnet fishing tool
- pipe alignment tool
- pipe handling tool
- pipe inspection logging tool
- pneumatic tool
- pole tool
- porosity-logging tool
- powered epithermal neutron tool
- powered gamma-gamma tool
- powered orienting tool
- pressure core tool
- production-combination tool
- production-logging tool
- production-tree running tool
- prospecting tool
- pulling tool
- proximity logging tool
- pump open circulating tool
- pumpdown tool
- radioactive tracer tool
- radioactivity logging tool
- releasing fishing tool
- reliability tools
- remote guideline connector releasing tool
- resistivity tool
- retractable drilling tool
- retrievable tool
- retrievable squeeze cementing tool
- retrieving tool
- reversing tool
- riser handling tool
- rock cutting tool
- rock destruction tool
- roller cutter drilling tool
- rolling cutter drilling tool
- rotary tool
- running tool
- running-and-handling tool
- running-and-pulling tool
- running-and-testing tool
- sampling tool
- scraping tool
- screwing tool
- seal assembly retrieving tool
- seal assembly running tool
- seal setting tool
- seat protector running and retrieving tool
- sequential dual laterolog tool
- service tools
- setting tool
- shock tool
- shoe squeeze tool
- side-wall coring tool
- side-wall neutron porosity log tool
- side-wall-pad tool
- single-lay diamond drilling tool
- single-seal setting tool
- single-shot tool
- small-bore tool
- soft-ground boring tool
- sonic tool
- spherical focusing log tool
- splayed boring tool
- splicing tool
- spudding tool
- squeeze cementing tool
- squeezing tool
- stabbing tool
- standard tool
- standardized tool
- steering tool
- stuck tool
- stuck logging tool
- suspending tool
- survey tool
- temporary abandonment cup running and retrieving tool
- temporary guide base running tool
- thermal decay-time tool
- thread-cutting
- threaded actuated running tool
- through-tubing tool
- tight hitched tool
- torque tool
- trial boring tool
- true resistivity tool
- two-trip running tool
- undersized tool
- underwater wellhead running tool
- universal running tool
- washover back-off connector tool
- wedgless sliding tool
- well seismic tool
- wellhead casing hanger test tool
- wellhead retrieving tool
- wellhead running tool
- wireless orientation tool
- wireline tool
- wireline-cutting tool
- wireline-fishing tool
- wireline-operated circulation tool
- wireline-plug-setting tool* * *• 1) инструмент; 2) скважинный прибор• прибор -
8 voltage
1) напряжение, разность потенциалов2) потенциал•- accelerating voltagevoltage across — напряжение на (напр. зажимах)
- acceleration voltage
- active voltage
- actuating voltage
- allowable voltage
- alternating voltage
- anode voltage
- anode breakdown voltage
- anode-cathode voltage
- anode-to-cathode voltage
- applied voltage
- arc voltage
- arc-drop voltage
- asymptotic breakdown voltage
- avalanche voltage
- avalanche breakdown voltage
- average voltage
- back voltage
- balanced voltages
- barrier voltage
- base voltage
- baseband voltage
- base-to-emitter voltage
- bath voltage
- bias voltage
- birefringence threshold voltage
- black-out voltage
- blanking voltage
- blocking voltage
- blue video voltage
- booster voltage
- branch voltage
- breakdown voltage
- breakover voltage
- bridge supply voltage
- bucking voltage
- built-in voltage
- bus voltage
- calibration voltage
- capacitor voltage
- catcher voltage
- cathode voltage
- cathode sheath voltage
- cathode storage-element equilibrium voltage
- cell voltage
- charge voltage
- circuit voltage
- clamp voltage
- clock voltage
- closed-circuit voltage
- coercive voltage
- collector voltage
- collector breakdown voltage
- collector storage-element equilibrium voltage
- collector-to-base voltage
- collector-to-emitter voltage
- color voltage
- commercial-frequency voltage
- common-mode voltage
- commutating voltage
- compensating voltage
- complex voltage
- compliance voltage
- composite controlling voltage
- computer voltage
- constant voltage
- contact voltage
- control voltage
- control-circuit voltage
- convergence voltage
- corona start voltage
- counter voltage
- crest voltage
- critical voltage
- critical anode voltage
- critical grid voltage
- crossover voltage
- current-resistance voltage
- cutoff voltage
- dc voltage
- decelerating voltage
- decomposition voltage
- deflecting voltage
- derivative voltage
- dielectric breakdown voltage
- differential-mode voltage
- dipole voltage
- dipole barrier voltage
- direct voltage
- discharge voltage
- disruptive discharge voltage
- domain voltage
- drain voltage
- driving voltage
- drop-away voltage
- drop-out voltage
- effective voltage
- electric voltage
- electrode voltage
- emitter voltage
- equilibrium voltage
- error voltage
- excess voltage
- excess domain voltage
- excitation voltage
- extinction voltage
- extinguishing voltage
- extra-high voltage
- Faraday voltage
- field voltage
- filament voltage
- final voltage
- firing voltage
- first breakdown voltage
- first crossover voltage
- flashback voltage
- flashover voltage
- flat-band voltage
- floating voltage
- fluctuation voltage
- flyback voltage
- focusing voltage
- formation voltage
- forming voltage
- forward voltage
- forward breakover voltage
- forward gate voltage
- fuel-cell voltage
- gate voltage
- gate nontrigger voltage
- gate trigger voltage
- gate turn-off voltage
- generated voltage
- gradient-established storage-element equilibrium voltage
- green-video voltage
- grid voltage
- half-wave voltage
- Hall voltage
- heater voltage
- high voltage
- high-level voltage
- holding voltage
- ignition voltage
- impressed voltage
- induced voltage
- inflection-point voltage
- initial voltage
- initial inverse voltage
- injected voltage
- in-phase voltage
- input voltage
- input error voltage
- interference voltage
- internal correction voltage
- inverse voltage
- ionization voltage
- junction voltage
- keep-alive voltage
- kickback voltage
- line voltage
- link voltage
- load voltage
- logical-threshold voltage
- low-level voltage
- magnetron critical voltage
- mains voltage
- maintaining voltage
- mask voltage
- minimum off-state voltage
- neutralizing voltage
- node voltage
- node-to-datum voltage
- noise voltage
- no-load voltage
- nominal voltage
- offset voltage
- off-load voltage
- off-state voltage
- on-load voltage
- on-state voltage
- open-circuit voltage
- operating voltage
- oscillating voltage
- out-of-balance voltages
- out-of-phase voltage
- output voltage
- output offset voltage
- pace voltage
- peak voltage
- peak inverse voltage
- peak-point voltage
- peak reverse voltage
- peak-to-peak voltage
- periodic voltage
- permissible voltage
- phase voltage
- photoelectric voltage
- pickup voltage
- pinch-off voltage
- plate voltage
- polarizing voltage
- poling voltage
- primary voltage
- principal voltage
- projected peak-point voltage
- psophometric voltage
- pull-in voltage
- pulsating voltage
- pump voltage
- punch-through voltage
- puncture voltage
- push-pull voltages
- push-push -voltages
- rail voltage
- rated voltage
- rated impulse withstand voltage
- reactive voltage
- rectified voltage
- rectifier-load voltage
- red video voltage
- reference voltage
- reflector voltage
- reignition voltage
- residual voltage
- resistance voltage
- resonance voltage
- reverse voltage
- reverse-bias voltage
- reverse-bias breakdown voltage
- ripple voltage
- root-mean-square voltage
- saturation voltage
- sawtooth voltage
- scanning voltage
- screen-grid voltage
- secondary voltage
- secondary-emission crossover voltage
- second-crossover voltage
- self-breakdown voltage
- self-firing voltage
- self-induction voltage
- shot-noise voltage
- signal voltage
- single-ended input voltage
- single-ended output voltage
- sinusoidal voltage
- source voltage
- square-wave voltage
- stabilized voltage
- staircase voltage
- starter breakdown voltage
- starting voltage
- step voltage
- storage-element equilibrium voltage
- supply voltage
- surge voltage
- sweep voltage
- swing voltage
- switching voltage
- synchronousvoltage
- tank voltage
- target voltage
- temperature voltage
- thermocouple voltage
- thermoelectric voltage
- threshold voltage
- time-base voltage
- touch voltage
- tree-branch voltage
- tunnel breakdown voltage
- ultrahigh voltage
- unit step voltage
- valley voltage
- variable voltage
- working voltage
- Zener voltage -
9 TC
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Transcribing Complex, ТК (торговая компания)2) Компьютерная техника: Table Caption, Terminal Control, Text Compression, Transaction Computer, Transaction Controller, tertiary centre3) Биология: total capacity4) Авиация: Transit Corridor (NATO) (Air lanes established for transit in the rear area of the battle theater), Test cell5) Медицина: Therapeutic Community6) Американизм: Tax Credit, Time Conflict, Total Control, Total Costs, Trade Classification, Trilateral Commission7) Спорт: командные соревнования8) Военный термин: Tactical Computer, Tank Company, Tank Corps, Target Concept, Test Case, Test Comprehensiveness, Thin Client, Tiger Cat, Tin Can, Total Confusion, Total Conversion, Transition Component, Transport Command, Transport Cradles, Transportation Coordinator, Transportation Corps, Tunnel Coordinates, Type Code, tactical command, tactical control, tactical coordinator, tank car, tank commander, target chart, target classification, target complex, team chief, technical center, technical characteristics, technical circular, technical committee, technical communications, technical control, temporary commission, terminal correction, terrain clearance, terrain correction, test center, test chief, test console, test control, test controller, test coordinator, time constant, topographic center, torpedo control, total cost, track commander, traffic control, training cadre, training camp, training center, training chest, training company, training cost, transit corridor, transport capacity, transport column, transport company, transport, cargo, transportation chief, travel card, trial counsel, troop, troop carrier, troop commander, truncated cone, till countermanded, тактический компьютер9) Техника: Threshold Circuit, Transmitting Circuits, technicolor, telecommunications, telegraph central office, telegraph repeater set, telephone central office, telephone repeater set, temporary correction, test categories, tetracycle, thermal compression, time compensation, timing channel, toll center, tone control, track chambers division, tracking camera, tracking console, tracking cross, traffic control unit, transceiver code, военное обозначение буксируемых кабелей, Tilting Cylinder( наклонный цилиндр)10) Шутливое выражение: Terror Cat, Tickle Club, Timothy Club, Tiny Chris, Total Clown, Tough Cat11) Химия: Temperature Compensated, Theoretical Chemistry, tungsten carbide( карбид вольфрама; твёрдый сплав)12) Математика: Transitive Closure13) Религия: Teen Christians, The Calling, The Chosen, The Crossover, Transcend Christ, Trenton Catholic, True Christians14) Юридический термин: Tax Court, Tribal Council15) Экономика: traveller's check, общие издержки (total costs)16) Страхование: Transcontainer17) Автомобильный термин: turbocharger, traction control18) Биржевой термин: Top Cap19) Ветеринария: Teeth And Claws, Tubby Cat20) Грубое выражение: Tiny Cock, Too Chubby21) Металлургия: Telescoping Collar22) Политика: United Arab Emirates23) Телекоммуникации: Telephone Call, Terminating Channel, Transmission Control, Transport Connection, telecommunications closet, Transmitted Signal Element Timing (DCE Source, EIA-232)24) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Turkey), Tactical Controller, Teachers College, Telemeter Channel, Time Check, Training Camp / Centre, Training Cargo, Trusteeship Council, Turks and Caicos Islands, tape core, temperature compensating, terra cotta, thread cutting, timed closing, toilet case, top chord25) Текстиль: Two Clusters26) Университет: Test Consequence, Test Curve27) Физика: Temperature Control, Thermal Control28) Физиология: Thecal Cell, Throat culture, Tissue Culture, Total Cholesterol29) Электроника: Technical Component, Tesla Coil, Timely Cycle, True Complement30) Вычислительная техника: Terminal Computer, Transaction Capabilities, teracycle, time of computation, transfer complete, transfer control, transmission controller, transmission convergence, Task Committee (IFIP), Technical Committee (ISO, OASIS)31) Нефть: service water storage tank, time charter, tool closed, top choke, tubing choke, верхний штуцер (top choke), карбид вольфрама (tungsten carbide), скважинный инструмент закрыт (tool closed), устьевой штуцер (top choke), штуцер насосно-компрессорной колонны (tubing choke)32) Иммунология: Treatment Coefficient33) Биохимия: Tetracycline34) Транспорт: Tariff Class, Tercel Coupe, Tire Chalked, Toilet Car, Touring Car, Touring Coupe, Trans Canada, Transportation Centre, Truck Camper, Truck Crane, Turbo Compound, Twin Cam, Twin Carburettor, Two Cycle35) Пищевая промышленность: Totally Crunchy, Tropical Chicken, Tuff Cat, Tuna Casserole36) Воздухоплавание: Terminal Control Areas37) Фирменный знак: Techno- Components, Theatre Company, Tramway Company, Transport Canada38) СМИ: Textual Criticism, The Times Courier, Title Card, Top Celeb39) Деловая лексика: Tech Center, Too Cheap40) Бурение: инструмент закрыт (tool closed; скважинный)41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: toxic chemical, контроллер температуры (Temperature controller), регулятор температуры (temperature controller)42) Образование: Teens Conference43) Инвестиции: traveler's check44) Сетевые технологии: Transport Convergence45) ЕБРР: technical cooperation46) Полимеры: technically classified, temperature coefficient, thermocouple, time closing, total carbon47) Автоматика: teflon composite48) Полупроводники: Curie temperature49) Сахалин Р: Temperature controller, temperature controller50) Химическое оружие: Ton container, to contain, toxicity characteristic, type classification51) Макаров: terminal controller, terminate counting, thermal conductivity, thermocompression, time code52) Безопасность: Transform Coding53) Расширение файла: Tape Command, Termcap, Turbo C Configuration file54) SAP.тех. экранная таблица55) Логистика: treatment charge (авиапоставка), транспортная служба56) Строительные материалы: tungsten carbide57) Электротехника: temperature compensation, test chamber, test conductor, thermocurrent, tinned copper, transient conditions, trip coil58) Фантастика Terra Crusher59) Имена и фамилии: Tamara Cole, Tom Clark, Tom Cruise60) Молекулярная биология: tropocollagen61) Общественная организация: Tomorrow's Child62) Должность: Technical Communication, Technology Consultant, Tennis Coach, Top Cop63) Чат: Thread Count, Too Cool, Too Cute, Too Cynical, Topic Centric, Totally Clueless, Tough Cookie64) Правительство: Traverse City, Twin Cities65) NYSE. Thailand Capital Fund, Inc.66) НАСА: Telecommand, Terrestrial Class67) Программное обеспечение: Tab Crawler68) СМС: Take Care69) Международные перевозки: traffic conference area (IATA) -
10 Tc
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Transcribing Complex, ТК (торговая компания)2) Компьютерная техника: Table Caption, Terminal Control, Text Compression, Transaction Computer, Transaction Controller, tertiary centre3) Биология: total capacity4) Авиация: Transit Corridor (NATO) (Air lanes established for transit in the rear area of the battle theater), Test cell5) Медицина: Therapeutic Community6) Американизм: Tax Credit, Time Conflict, Total Control, Total Costs, Trade Classification, Trilateral Commission7) Спорт: командные соревнования8) Военный термин: Tactical Computer, Tank Company, Tank Corps, Target Concept, Test Case, Test Comprehensiveness, Thin Client, Tiger Cat, Tin Can, Total Confusion, Total Conversion, Transition Component, Transport Command, Transport Cradles, Transportation Coordinator, Transportation Corps, Tunnel Coordinates, Type Code, tactical command, tactical control, tactical coordinator, tank car, tank commander, target chart, target classification, target complex, team chief, technical center, technical characteristics, technical circular, technical committee, technical communications, technical control, temporary commission, terminal correction, terrain clearance, terrain correction, test center, test chief, test console, test control, test controller, test coordinator, time constant, topographic center, torpedo control, total cost, track commander, traffic control, training cadre, training camp, training center, training chest, training company, training cost, transit corridor, transport capacity, transport column, transport company, transport, cargo, transportation chief, travel card, trial counsel, troop, troop carrier, troop commander, truncated cone, till countermanded, тактический компьютер9) Техника: Threshold Circuit, Transmitting Circuits, technicolor, telecommunications, telegraph central office, telegraph repeater set, telephone central office, telephone repeater set, temporary correction, test categories, tetracycle, thermal compression, time compensation, timing channel, toll center, tone control, track chambers division, tracking camera, tracking console, tracking cross, traffic control unit, transceiver code, военное обозначение буксируемых кабелей, Tilting Cylinder( наклонный цилиндр)10) Шутливое выражение: Terror Cat, Tickle Club, Timothy Club, Tiny Chris, Total Clown, Tough Cat11) Химия: Temperature Compensated, Theoretical Chemistry, tungsten carbide( карбид вольфрама; твёрдый сплав)12) Математика: Transitive Closure13) Религия: Teen Christians, The Calling, The Chosen, The Crossover, Transcend Christ, Trenton Catholic, True Christians14) Юридический термин: Tax Court, Tribal Council15) Экономика: traveller's check, общие издержки (total costs)16) Страхование: Transcontainer17) Автомобильный термин: turbocharger, traction control18) Биржевой термин: Top Cap19) Ветеринария: Teeth And Claws, Tubby Cat20) Грубое выражение: Tiny Cock, Too Chubby21) Металлургия: Telescoping Collar22) Политика: United Arab Emirates23) Телекоммуникации: Telephone Call, Terminating Channel, Transmission Control, Transport Connection, telecommunications closet, Transmitted Signal Element Timing (DCE Source, EIA-232)24) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Turkey), Tactical Controller, Teachers College, Telemeter Channel, Time Check, Training Camp / Centre, Training Cargo, Trusteeship Council, Turks and Caicos Islands, tape core, temperature compensating, terra cotta, thread cutting, timed closing, toilet case, top chord25) Текстиль: Two Clusters26) Университет: Test Consequence, Test Curve27) Физика: Temperature Control, Thermal Control28) Физиология: Thecal Cell, Throat culture, Tissue Culture, Total Cholesterol29) Электроника: Technical Component, Tesla Coil, Timely Cycle, True Complement30) Вычислительная техника: Terminal Computer, Transaction Capabilities, teracycle, time of computation, transfer complete, transfer control, transmission controller, transmission convergence, Task Committee (IFIP), Technical Committee (ISO, OASIS)31) Нефть: service water storage tank, time charter, tool closed, top choke, tubing choke, верхний штуцер (top choke), карбид вольфрама (tungsten carbide), скважинный инструмент закрыт (tool closed), устьевой штуцер (top choke), штуцер насосно-компрессорной колонны (tubing choke)32) Иммунология: Treatment Coefficient33) Биохимия: Tetracycline34) Транспорт: Tariff Class, Tercel Coupe, Tire Chalked, Toilet Car, Touring Car, Touring Coupe, Trans Canada, Transportation Centre, Truck Camper, Truck Crane, Turbo Compound, Twin Cam, Twin Carburettor, Two Cycle35) Пищевая промышленность: Totally Crunchy, Tropical Chicken, Tuff Cat, Tuna Casserole36) Воздухоплавание: Terminal Control Areas37) Фирменный знак: Techno- Components, Theatre Company, Tramway Company, Transport Canada38) СМИ: Textual Criticism, The Times Courier, Title Card, Top Celeb39) Деловая лексика: Tech Center, Too Cheap40) Бурение: инструмент закрыт (tool closed; скважинный)41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: toxic chemical, контроллер температуры (Temperature controller), регулятор температуры (temperature controller)42) Образование: Teens Conference43) Инвестиции: traveler's check44) Сетевые технологии: Transport Convergence45) ЕБРР: technical cooperation46) Полимеры: technically classified, temperature coefficient, thermocouple, time closing, total carbon47) Автоматика: teflon composite48) Полупроводники: Curie temperature49) Сахалин Р: Temperature controller, temperature controller50) Химическое оружие: Ton container, to contain, toxicity characteristic, type classification51) Макаров: terminal controller, terminate counting, thermal conductivity, thermocompression, time code52) Безопасность: Transform Coding53) Расширение файла: Tape Command, Termcap, Turbo C Configuration file54) SAP.тех. экранная таблица55) Логистика: treatment charge (авиапоставка), транспортная служба56) Строительные материалы: tungsten carbide57) Электротехника: temperature compensation, test chamber, test conductor, thermocurrent, tinned copper, transient conditions, trip coil58) Фантастика Terra Crusher59) Имена и фамилии: Tamara Cole, Tom Clark, Tom Cruise60) Молекулярная биология: tropocollagen61) Общественная организация: Tomorrow's Child62) Должность: Technical Communication, Technology Consultant, Tennis Coach, Top Cop63) Чат: Thread Count, Too Cool, Too Cute, Too Cynical, Topic Centric, Totally Clueless, Tough Cookie64) Правительство: Traverse City, Twin Cities65) NYSE. Thailand Capital Fund, Inc.66) НАСА: Telecommand, Terrestrial Class67) Программное обеспечение: Tab Crawler68) СМС: Take Care69) Международные перевозки: traffic conference area (IATA) -
11 tc
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Transcribing Complex, ТК (торговая компания)2) Компьютерная техника: Table Caption, Terminal Control, Text Compression, Transaction Computer, Transaction Controller, tertiary centre3) Биология: total capacity4) Авиация: Transit Corridor (NATO) (Air lanes established for transit in the rear area of the battle theater), Test cell5) Медицина: Therapeutic Community6) Американизм: Tax Credit, Time Conflict, Total Control, Total Costs, Trade Classification, Trilateral Commission7) Спорт: командные соревнования8) Военный термин: Tactical Computer, Tank Company, Tank Corps, Target Concept, Test Case, Test Comprehensiveness, Thin Client, Tiger Cat, Tin Can, Total Confusion, Total Conversion, Transition Component, Transport Command, Transport Cradles, Transportation Coordinator, Transportation Corps, Tunnel Coordinates, Type Code, tactical command, tactical control, tactical coordinator, tank car, tank commander, target chart, target classification, target complex, team chief, technical center, technical characteristics, technical circular, technical committee, technical communications, technical control, temporary commission, terminal correction, terrain clearance, terrain correction, test center, test chief, test console, test control, test controller, test coordinator, time constant, topographic center, torpedo control, total cost, track commander, traffic control, training cadre, training camp, training center, training chest, training company, training cost, transit corridor, transport capacity, transport column, transport company, transport, cargo, transportation chief, travel card, trial counsel, troop, troop carrier, troop commander, truncated cone, till countermanded, тактический компьютер9) Техника: Threshold Circuit, Transmitting Circuits, technicolor, telecommunications, telegraph central office, telegraph repeater set, telephone central office, telephone repeater set, temporary correction, test categories, tetracycle, thermal compression, time compensation, timing channel, toll center, tone control, track chambers division, tracking camera, tracking console, tracking cross, traffic control unit, transceiver code, военное обозначение буксируемых кабелей, Tilting Cylinder( наклонный цилиндр)10) Шутливое выражение: Terror Cat, Tickle Club, Timothy Club, Tiny Chris, Total Clown, Tough Cat11) Химия: Temperature Compensated, Theoretical Chemistry, tungsten carbide( карбид вольфрама; твёрдый сплав)12) Математика: Transitive Closure13) Религия: Teen Christians, The Calling, The Chosen, The Crossover, Transcend Christ, Trenton Catholic, True Christians14) Юридический термин: Tax Court, Tribal Council15) Экономика: traveller's check, общие издержки (total costs)16) Страхование: Transcontainer17) Автомобильный термин: turbocharger, traction control18) Биржевой термин: Top Cap19) Ветеринария: Teeth And Claws, Tubby Cat20) Грубое выражение: Tiny Cock, Too Chubby21) Металлургия: Telescoping Collar22) Политика: United Arab Emirates23) Телекоммуникации: Telephone Call, Terminating Channel, Transmission Control, Transport Connection, telecommunications closet, Transmitted Signal Element Timing (DCE Source, EIA-232)24) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Turkey), Tactical Controller, Teachers College, Telemeter Channel, Time Check, Training Camp / Centre, Training Cargo, Trusteeship Council, Turks and Caicos Islands, tape core, temperature compensating, terra cotta, thread cutting, timed closing, toilet case, top chord25) Текстиль: Two Clusters26) Университет: Test Consequence, Test Curve27) Физика: Temperature Control, Thermal Control28) Физиология: Thecal Cell, Throat culture, Tissue Culture, Total Cholesterol29) Электроника: Technical Component, Tesla Coil, Timely Cycle, True Complement30) Вычислительная техника: Terminal Computer, Transaction Capabilities, teracycle, time of computation, transfer complete, transfer control, transmission controller, transmission convergence, Task Committee (IFIP), Technical Committee (ISO, OASIS)31) Нефть: service water storage tank, time charter, tool closed, top choke, tubing choke, верхний штуцер (top choke), карбид вольфрама (tungsten carbide), скважинный инструмент закрыт (tool closed), устьевой штуцер (top choke), штуцер насосно-компрессорной колонны (tubing choke)32) Иммунология: Treatment Coefficient33) Биохимия: Tetracycline34) Транспорт: Tariff Class, Tercel Coupe, Tire Chalked, Toilet Car, Touring Car, Touring Coupe, Trans Canada, Transportation Centre, Truck Camper, Truck Crane, Turbo Compound, Twin Cam, Twin Carburettor, Two Cycle35) Пищевая промышленность: Totally Crunchy, Tropical Chicken, Tuff Cat, Tuna Casserole36) Воздухоплавание: Terminal Control Areas37) Фирменный знак: Techno- Components, Theatre Company, Tramway Company, Transport Canada38) СМИ: Textual Criticism, The Times Courier, Title Card, Top Celeb39) Деловая лексика: Tech Center, Too Cheap40) Бурение: инструмент закрыт (tool closed; скважинный)41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: toxic chemical, контроллер температуры (Temperature controller), регулятор температуры (temperature controller)42) Образование: Teens Conference43) Инвестиции: traveler's check44) Сетевые технологии: Transport Convergence45) ЕБРР: technical cooperation46) Полимеры: technically classified, temperature coefficient, thermocouple, time closing, total carbon47) Автоматика: teflon composite48) Полупроводники: Curie temperature49) Сахалин Р: Temperature controller, temperature controller50) Химическое оружие: Ton container, to contain, toxicity characteristic, type classification51) Макаров: terminal controller, terminate counting, thermal conductivity, thermocompression, time code52) Безопасность: Transform Coding53) Расширение файла: Tape Command, Termcap, Turbo C Configuration file54) SAP.тех. экранная таблица55) Логистика: treatment charge (авиапоставка), транспортная служба56) Строительные материалы: tungsten carbide57) Электротехника: temperature compensation, test chamber, test conductor, thermocurrent, tinned copper, transient conditions, trip coil58) Фантастика Terra Crusher59) Имена и фамилии: Tamara Cole, Tom Clark, Tom Cruise60) Молекулярная биология: tropocollagen61) Общественная организация: Tomorrow's Child62) Должность: Technical Communication, Technology Consultant, Tennis Coach, Top Cop63) Чат: Thread Count, Too Cool, Too Cute, Too Cynical, Topic Centric, Totally Clueless, Tough Cookie64) Правительство: Traverse City, Twin Cities65) NYSE. Thailand Capital Fund, Inc.66) НАСА: Telecommand, Terrestrial Class67) Программное обеспечение: Tab Crawler68) СМС: Take Care69) Международные перевозки: traffic conference area (IATA) -
12 mode
1) модаа) нормальный тип колебаний, собственный тип колебаний; нормальный тип волн, собственный тип волн3) способ; метод4) тип; форма ( выражения или проявления чего-либо)6) ак. лад; тональность•- π-mode- 1284 compliance mode
- 32-bit mode
- 32-bit transfer mode
- 8086 real mode
- accelerated transit mode
- accumulation-layer mode
- acoustic mode
- active mode
- address mode
- adjacent modes
- all points addressable mode
- alpha mode
- alphanumeric mode
- alternate mode
- AN mode
- analog mode
- angular dependent mode
- angular mode
- anomalous mode
- answer mode
- antiferrodistortive mode
- antiferromagnetic mode
- anti-Stokes mode
- antisymmetric mode
- APA mode
- aperiodic mode
- asymmetric mode
- asynchronous balanced mode
- asynchronous response mode
- asynchronous transfer mode
- auto-answer mode
- auto-dial mode
- avalanche mode
- axial mode
- background mode
- backward mode
- beam mode
- beam-waveguide mode
- Bi-Di mode
- bidirectional mode
- BIOS video mode
- birefringent mode
- bistable mode
- bitmap mode
- black-and-white mode
- block mode
- block-multiplex mode
- blow-up mode
- browse mode
- burst mode
- byte mode
- calculator mode
- central mode
- characteristic mode
- chat mode
- chip test mode
- CHS mode
- circle-dot mode
- circular mode
- circularly polarized mode
- circularly symmetric mode
- clockwise mode
- CMY mode
- CMYK mode
- collective modes
- color mode
- command mode
- common mode
- communications mode
- compatibility mode
- competing modes
- concert hall reverberation mode
- configuration mode
- constant-frequency mode
- contention mode
- continuous-wave mode
- contour modes
- control mode
- conversational mode
- cooked mode
- correlator mode
- counter mode
- counterclockwise mode
- coupled modes
- crossover mode
- current mode
- cutoff mode
- cw mode
- cyclotron mode
- cylinder-head-sector mode
- damped mode
- data-in mode
- data-out mode
- Debye mode
- Debye-like mode
- defocus-dash mode
- defocus-focus mode
- degenerate mode
- delayed domain mode
- depletion mode
- deposition mode
- difference mode
- differential mode
- diffusive mode
- digital mode
- dipole mode
- direct memory access transfer mode
- disk-at-once mode
- display mode
- dissymmetric mode
- DMA transfer mode
- domain mode
- dominant mode
- dot-addressable mode
- dot-dash mode
- doze mode
- draft mode
- drift mode
- ducted mode
- duotone mode
- duplex mode
- dynamic mode
- dynamic scattering mode
- E mode
- Emn mode
- ECHS mode
- ECP mode
- edge mode
- edit mode
- eigen mode
- electromagnetic mode
- elementary mode
- elliptically polarized mode
- embedded mode
- end-fire mode
- enhanced parallel port mode
- enhanced virtual 8086 mode
- enhanced virtual 86 mode
- enhancement mode
- EPP mode
- equiamplitude modes
- EV8086 mode
- EV86 mode
- evanescent mode
- even mode
- even-order mode
- even-symmetrical mode
- exchange mode
- exchange-dominated mode
- excited mode
- exciting mode
- extended capability port mode
- extended cylinder-head-sector mode
- extensional mode
- extraordinary mode
- FA mode
- face shear modes
- failure mode
- fast mode
- fast-forward mode
- ferrite-air mode
- ferrite-dielectric mode
- ferrite-guided mode
- ferrite-metal mode
- ferrodistortive mode
- ferroelectric mode
- file mode
- first mode
- FM mode
- forbidden mode
- force mode
- foreground mode
- forward mode
- forward-bias mode
- forward-propagating mode
- forward-scattered mode
- four-color mode
- four-output mode
- free-running mode
- full on mode
- fundamental mode
- gate mode
- Gaussian mode
- Goldstone mode
- graphic display mode
- graphic mode
- gray-level mode
- grayscale mode
- guided mode
- guided-wave mode
- Gunn mode
- gyromagnetic mode
- H mode
- Hmn mode
- half-duplex mode
- half-tone mode
- hard mode
- harmonic mode
- helicon mode
- Hermite-Gaussian mode
- higher mode
- higher-order mode
- HLS mode
- HSB mode
- HSV mode
- hybrid mode
- idling mode
- impact avalanche transit-time mode
- IMPATT mode
- indexed color mode
- inhibited domain mode
- initialization mode
- injection locked mode
- insert mode
- interactive mode
- internally-trapped mode
- interstitial diffusion mode
- ion-implantation channel mode
- ion-sound mode
- kernel mode
- kiosk mode
- L*a*b* mode
- landscape mode
- large disk mode
- lasing mode
- lattice mode
- laying mode
- LBA mode
- LCH mode
- leaky mode
- left-hand polarized mode
- left-handed polarized mode
- length modes
- letter mode
- LH mode
- limited space-charge accumulation mode
- line art mode
- local mode
- lock mode
- logical block addressing mode
- log-periodically coupled modes
- longitudinal mode
- loopback mode
- lowest mode
- lowest-order mode
- low-power mode
- LSA mode
- magnetic mode
- magnetodynamical mode
- magnetoelastic mode
- magnetosonic mode
- magnetostatic mode
- magnetron mode
- main mode
- masing mode
- master/slave mode
- mixed mode
- mode of excitation
- mode of operation
- modified semistatic mode
- modulated transit-time mode
- module test mode
- mono mode
- mono/stereo mode
- monopulse mode
- moving-target indication mode
- MTI mode
- multi mode
- multichannel mode
- multimode mode
- multiple sector mode
- multiplex mode
- mutual orthogonal modes
- native mode
- natural mode
- near-letter mode
- nibble mode
- nondegenerated mode
- non-privileged mode
- nonpropagating mode
- nonresonant mode
- nonuniform processional mode
- normal mode
- normal-incidence mode
- odd mode
- odd-order mode
- odd-symmetrical mode
- off mode
- off-axial mode
- off-line mode
- omni mode
- on mode
- on-line mode
- operation mode
- optical mode
- ordinary mode
- original mode
- originate mode
- orthogonal modes
- OS/2 compatible mode
- overdamped mode
- overtype mode
- packet mode
- packet transfer mode
- page mode
- parallel port FIFO mode
- parametric mode
- parasitic mode
- pedestal-current stabilized mode
- penetration mode
- persistent-current mode
- perturbated mode
- phonon mode
- pi mode
- PIO mode
- plane mode
- plane polarized mode
- plasma mode
- plasma-guide mode
- playback mode
- polarized mode
- poly mode
- portrait mode
- preferred mode
- principal mode
- privileged mode
- programmed input/output mode
- promiscuous mode
- protected mode
- protected virtual address mode
- proton mode
- pseudo-Rayleigh mode
- pseudospin mode
- pseudospin-wave mode
- pulse mode
- quadrupole mode
- quadtone mode
- quasi-degenerated mode
- quenched domain mode
- quenched multiple-domain mode
- quenched single-domain mode
- question-and-answer mode
- radial mode
- radiating mode
- radiation mode
- Raman active mode
- ranging mode
- rare mode
- raw mode
- RB mode
- read multiple mode
- read-mostly mode
- real address mode
- real mode
- real-time mode
- receive mode
- reflected mode
- reflection mode
- refracted mode
- rehearse mode
- relaxational mode
- resonant mode
- return-beam mode
- reverberation mode
- reverse-bias mode
- rewind mode
- RGB mode
- RH mode
- rho-rho mode
- right-hand polarized mode
- right-handed polarized mode
- safe mode
- saturated-off mode of operation
- saturation mode
- saving mode
- scan mode
- search mode
- secondary-emission pedestal mode
- second-breakdown mode
- self-localized mode
- self-locked mode
- semistatic mode
- shear mode
- shutdown mode
- side modes
- simplex mode
- single mode
- single-vortex cycle mode
- slave mode
- sleep mode
- slow mode
- small room reverberation mode
- soft mode
- softened mode
- sorcerer's apprentice mode
- space-charge feedback mode
- space-charge mode
- spatially orthogonal modes
- special fully nested mode
- spiking mode
- spin mode
- spin-wave mode
- SPP mode
- spurious mode
- spurious pulse mode
- stable mode
- stable-negative-resistance mode
- standard parallel port mode - stationary mode
- Stokes mode
- stop clock mode
- stop mode
- stream mode
- subharmonic mode
- substitutional-diffusion mode
- subsurface mode
- sum mode
- superradiant mode
- supervisor mode
- surface skimming mode
- surface-wave mode
- suspend mode
- SVGA mode
- switching mode
- symmetric mode
- symmetry breaking mode
- symmetry restoring mode
- system management mode
- system test mode
- Tmnp wave resonant mode
- task mode
- TE mode
- TEmnp wave resonant mode
- tearing mode
- telegraph mode
- TEM mode
- terminal mode
- test mode
- text mode
- thermal mode
- thickness modes
- three-color mode
- through mode
- time-difference mode
- time-sharing mode
- TM mode
- TMmnp wave resonant mode
- torsional modes
- total-internal reflection mode
- track-at-once mode
- transfer mode
- transient mode
- transit-time domain mode
- transit-time mode
- transmission mode
- transmitted mode
- transmitting mode
- transverse electric mode
- transverse electromagnetic mode
- transverse magnetic mode
- transverse mode
- transversely polarized mode
- transverse-symmetrical mode
- TRAPATT mode
- trapped mode
- trapped plasma avalanche transit-time mode
- trapped-domain mode
- traveling space-charge mode
- traveling-wave mode
- tristate test mode
- tritone mode
- truncated mode
- twist mode
- twisted nematic mode
- TXT mode
- typeover mode
- uncoupled modes
- undamped mode
- underdamped mode
- unguided mode
- unidirectional mode
- unilateral mode
- unperturbed mode
- unreal mode
- unstable mode
- unwanted mode
- user mode
- V8086 mode
- V86 mode
- VGA mode
- vibration mode
- video mode
- virtual 8086 mode
- virtual 86 mode
- virtual real mode
- volume magnetostatic mode
- wait for key mode
- waiting mode
- Walker mode
- walk-off mode
- wave mode
- waveguide mode
- whispering-gallery mode
- whistler mode
- width modes
- write mode
- write multiple mode
- zero-frequency mode
- zero-order modeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > mode
13 discount rate
сокр. dr1) учетная ставка, учетный процент, учетная процентная ставка, учетная ставка процентаа) банк. (ставка, по которой центральный банк дает кредиты коммерческим банкам через дисконтное окно или по которой центральный банк готов учитывать и переучитывать первоклассные векселя или предоставлять кредиты коммерческим банкам под обеспечение векселями; напр., ставка процента, по которой банки Федеральной резервной системы предоставляют кредиты другим банкам; инструмент денежно-кредитной политики, в значительной мере определяющий общий уровень процентных ставок)Syn:See:bank rate 2) discount window, rediscount rate, monetary policy, anti-inflationary policy, first-class paper, central bank, commercial bankб) банк., фин. (ставка, по которой на денежном рынке учитываются векселя)Syn:bill rate 1)See:discounting 1)в) фин. (ставка, по которой финансовое учреждение, обслуживающее пластиковую карту, взимает с владельца торгового предприятия комиссионные за каждую сделку, оплаченную картой; обычно устанавливается в виде процента от суммы покупки, оплаченной с помощью карты)See:г) фин. (ставка, по которой факторинговая компания взимает комиссионные с предприятия, продающего дебиторскую задолженность; устанавливается в виде процента от полной суммы дебиторской задолженности)See:2) фин. ставка дисконтирования [дисконта\] (ставка процента, применяемая для определения коэффициента дисконтирования при расчете приведенной стоимости будущих поступлений или выплат; напр., может использоваться средневзвешенная стоимость капитала, стоимость привлечения кредита для финансирования проекта, внутренняя норма прибыли и т. п.)Syn:time discount rate, discounting rate, discount rate of interest, discount interest rate, rate of discount, discount 1. 4) б)See:public sector discount rate, social discount rate, risk-adjusted discount rate, crossover rate, crossover discount rate, discounting 2), market discount 2) б) discount factor, present value, weighted average cost of capital, internal rate of return
* * *
учетная ставка: 1) ставка, по которой центральный банк готов учитывать и переучитывать первоклассные векселя или предоставлять кредиты коммерческим банкам под обеспечение векселями; инструмент денежно-кредитной политики, в значительной мере определяющий общий уровень процентных ставок; 2) ставка, по которой на денежном рынке учитываются векселя (напр., при номинальной сумме векселя 10 тыс. долл., сроке 90 дней (год считается за 360 дней) и учетной ставке 10% сумма дисконта будет равна 10000 х 10 х 90 / 100 х 360= 250 долл.).* * *. Процентная ставка, которую Федеральная резервная система взимает с банка при займе средств в периоды временной нехватки средств в банке. Для займа средств необходимо обеспечение. Кроме того, подобного рода заем средств ограничен, поскольку ФРС считает его привилегией, которой можно воспользоваться исключительно с целью удовлетворения нужд краткосрочной ликвидности, но не как средством увеличения доходов . 1. The rate used to compute discounted cash flows or the present value of an investment. 2. The interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges member banks for loans. Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *Банки/Банковские операциипроцентная ставка, взимаемая банком при учете (покупке) цен ных бумаг или при предоставле нии кредита, возврат которого обеспечен законом в виде этих бумаг. см. rate of discount -
14 network
1) сетьа) локальная, региональная или глобальная вычислительная сетьб) коммуникационная сеть; сеть связи (напр. телефонная)в) сеть вещательных станций (напр. телевизионных)д) замкнутая совокупность функционально однотипных организаций или предприятийе) способ представления знаний в виде связного орграфа в системе искусственного интеллектаж) сетка2) работать в сети; обмениваться информацией с помощью сети; использовать сеть или сети3) создавать сеть или сети; покрывать сетью (напр. вещательных станций) определённую территорию4) плести сеть или сетку; применять сеть или сетку; образовывать сеть или сетку5) схема; цепь; контур•- networks of limited equivalence
- network of microcomputer
- abstract semantic network
- active network
- activity network
- adaptive network
- adaptive resonance theory network
- additive Grossberg network - aperiodic network
- ART network
- artificial mains network - asynchronous neural network - back propagation network
- back-up radio network
- balanced network
- balanced Feistel network
- balancing network
- BAM network
- banner network
- baseband network
- basic network
- Bayes network
- beam-forming network - biconjugate network
- bidirectional associative memory network
- bilateral network
- biological neural network
- Boltzman machine neural network
- Boolean network
- brain-state-in-a-box network
- bridge network
- bridged-T network - bus network
- butterfly network
- C-network
- cellular neural network
- cellular radio network
- channel-switching network
- chaotic neural network - circuit-switching network
- class A-network
- class B-network
- class C-network
- client-server network
- closed private network - common-user network
- communications network
- company network
- compromise network
- computer network - connected network
- connectionist network
- connectionless network
- connection-oriented network
- constant-K network
- constant-M network
- continuous Hopfield network
- corrective network
- countable network - coupling network
- crossover network
- customer-access network
- data network
- data transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- dedicated network
- deemphasis network
- deep-space network
- delta network
- demand-assigned network
- dial-up network
- difference network
- differentiated network
- differentiating network
- digipeater network
- digital communication network
- digital satellite network
- digital switching network - discrete Hopfield network
- dislocation network
- dissymmetrical network
- distributed network
- distributed operating multi-access interactive-network
- distributed parameter network
- dividing network
- Doba's network
- dual network
- edge-dislocation network
- eight-pole network
- eight-terminal network
- electric network - equivalent networks - extensional semantic network
- extensive network - feedback network
- feedforward network
- Feistel network - fixer network
- four-pole network
- four-terminal network
- fractal network
- frequency-dependent negative-resistance network
- fully connected network
- fully connected neural network
- full mesh network
- full meshed network
- fuzzy neural network
- generalized additive network - ground-station network - Hamiltonian neural network
- Hamming's neural network
- Hebb network
- Hecht-Nielsen network
- Hecht-Nielsen neural network
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous neural network
- high-capacity network - higher-order neural network
- homogeneous network
- homogeneous neural network
- Hopfield's neural network
- Hopfield-Tank network
- Hopfield-Tank neural network
- hybrid network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resistance network
- industrial district network
- information network
- in-office network of links - Internet relay chat network
- inter-organizational network
- interstage network
- inverse networks
- IRC network
- irredundant network
- isolation network
- L-network
- ladder network - lattice network
- lead network
- leased-line network
- linear network - load-matching network - long-distance network
- long-haul network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- lumped network
- lumped-constant network
- lumped-distributed network
- Kohonen network
- Kohonen self-organizing network
- Kosko network
- Kosko neural network
- learning vector quantization network
- LVQ network
- Markovian network
- matching network
- McCulloch-Pitts network
- merging network
- mesh network
- meshed network
- message-switched network
- metropolitan area network
- mid-level network
- minimum-phase network
- MPLS network
- multiaccess network
- multi-attractor network
- multidimensional network
- multidrop network
- multifractal network
- multiinput-multioutput network
- multilayer neuron network
- multiple-access network
- multiply-connected network
- multipoint network
- multiport network
- multiprotocol label switching network - multistage switching network
- multistar network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- multiterminal network
- multiterminal-pair network
- municipal area network - neural network with local connections
- neural-like network
- nodal network
- nonlinear network
- nonplanar network
- nonreciprocal network
- nonuniformly distributed network
- notch network
- n-pole network
- n-port network
- n-terminal network
- n-terminal pair network
- O-network
- one-port network
- optical network
- optical fiber network
- optical neural network
- originating switching network
- packet commutation network - packet satellite network
- packet switch network
- packet switching network
- paging network
- parallel network
- parallel-T network
- parallel two-terminal pair networks
- partial mesh network
- partial meshed network
- passive network
- peaking network
- peer-to-peer network
- perceptron-type network
- percolation network
- personal communication network
- phase-advance network
- phase-shifting network
- phase-splitting network
- phasing network
- pi-network
- piece-linear network
- pilot wire controlled network
- planar network
- polarization matching network
- power distribution network
- preassigned network
- preemphasis network
- private network
- private-line intercity network - quadrupole network - radar network
- radio network
- radio access network
- radio intercom network
- radio-relay network
- rearrangeable network
- reciprocal network
- recognition network
- recurrent neural network
- regression neural network
- repeater network
- replicative neural network
- research network
- resistance-capacitance network
- resistive network
- resource-sharing computer-communication-network
- ring-switched computer network
- routing network
- satellite-earth stations network - second-order network
- selective network
- semantic network
- semiconductor network
- series network
- series-peaking network
- series-shunt network
- series-shunt peaking network
- shaping network
- short-haul network
- shuffle network
- shunt network
- shunt-peaking network
- signal-shaping network
- single-layer neural network
- singly terminated network - sorting network
- speaker dividing network
- stabilization network
- star network
- statistical Hopfield's network
- statistical Hopfield's neural network
- steering network - strategic network
- structurally dual networks
- structurally symmetrical networks
- stub network
- summation network
- summing network
- support network
- switched network
- switched message network
- switched telecommunications network
- switching network
- synchronous network
- synchronous neural network - T-network
- tapered distribution network
- technologies support network
- telecommunication network - terminating switching network - token bus network
- Token Ring network
- token ring network
- transit network
- transmission network
- transputer network
- tree network - trusted network
- twin-T network
- two-pole network
- two-port network
- two-terminal network
- two-terminal-pair network
- unbalanced Feistel network
- undersea network
- uniformly distributed network
- unilateral network
- universal network
- untrained neural network - world-wide communication network
- WS network
- X-network
- Y-network
- π-network -
15 network
1) сетьа) локальная, региональная или глобальная вычислительная сетьб) коммуникационная сеть; сеть связи (напр. телефонная)в) сеть вещательных станций (напр. телевизионных)д) замкнутая совокупность функционально однотипных организаций или предприятийе) способ представления знаний в виде связного орграфа в системе искусственного интеллектаж) сетка2) работать в сети; обмениваться информацией с помощью сети; использовать сеть или сети3) создавать сеть или сети; покрывать сетью (напр. вещательных станций) определённую территорию4) плести сеть или сетку; применять сеть или сетку; образовывать сеть или сетку5) схема; цепь; контур•- abstract semantic network
- active network
- activity network
- adaptive network
- adaptive resonance theory network
- additive Grossberg network
- advanced intelligent network
- advertiser network
- aeronautical fixed telecommunications network
- all-pass network
- aperiodic network
- ART network
- artificial mains network
- artificial neural network
- asynchronous network
- asynchronous neural network
- attached resource computer network
- attenuation network
- automatic digital network
- automatic voice network
- back propagation network
- backbone network
- back-up radio network
- balanced Feistel network
- balanced network
- balancing network
- BAM network
- banner network
- baseband network
- basic network
- Bayes network
- beam-forming network
- because it's time network
- Benetton network
- biconjugate network
- bidirectional associative memory network
- bilateral network
- biological neural network
- Boltzman machine neural network
- Boolean network
- brain-state-in-a-box network
- bridge network
- bridged-T network
- broadband communication network
- broadband integrated services digital network
- building-out network
- bus network
- butterfly network
- C network
- cellular neural network
- cellular radio network
- channel-switching network
- chaotic neural network
- charge-routing network
- circuit-switched data network
- circuit-switched public data network
- circuit-switching network
- class A network
- class B network
- class C network
- client-server network
- closed private network
- combinatorial network
- commercial network
- common-user network
- communications network
- company network
- compromise network
- computer + science network
- computer network
- concatenated network
- conferencing network
- connected network
- connectionist network
- connectionless network
- connection-oriented network
- constant-K network
- constant-M network
- continuous Hopfield network
- corrective network
- countable network
- counterpropagation network
- coupled-line network
- coupling network
- crossover network
- customer-access network
- data network
- data transmission network
- decoding network
- decoupling network
- dedicated network
- deemphasis network
- deep-space network
- delta network
- demand-assigned network
- dial-up network
- difference network
- differentiated network
- differentiating network
- digipeater network
- digital communication network
- digital satellite network
- digital switching network
- digital time-division network
- directed network
- discrete Hopfield network
- dislocation network
- dissymmetrical network
- distributed network
- distributed operating multi-access interactive network
- distributed parameter network
- dividing network
- Doba's network
- dual network
- edge-dislocation network
- eight-pole network
- eight-terminal network
- electric network
- electronic space-division analog network
- elementary digital network
- equalizing network
- equivalent networks
- European academic and research network
- European Unix network
- exponential network
- extensional semantic network
- extensive network
- fast neural network
- FDNR network
- feedback network
- feedforward network
- Feistel network
- FIDO technology network
- firm network
- fixer network
- four-pole network
- four-terminal network
- fractal network
- frequency-dependent negative-resistance network
- full mesh network
- full meshed network
- fully connected network
- fully connected neural network
- fuzzy neural network
- general regression neural network
- generalized additive network
- global area network
- ground-station network
- ground-wave emergency network
- H network
- Hamiltonian neural network
- Hamming's neural network
- Hebb network
- Hecht-Nielsen network
- Hecht-Nielsen neural network
- heterogeneous network
- heterogeneous neural network
- high energy physics network
- high-capacity network
- higher-order network
- higher-order neural network
- homogeneous network
- homogeneous neural network
- Hopfield's neural network
- Hopfield-Tank network
- Hopfield-Tank neural network
- hybrid network
- inductance network
- inductance-capacitance network
- inductance-resistance network
- industrial district network
- information network
- in-office network of links
- integrated broadband communication network
- integrated business network
- integrated digital network
- integrated enterprise network
- integrated services digital network
- integrating network
- intelligent network
- intelligent optical network
- intercom network
- Internet relay chat network
- inter-organizational network
- interstage network
- inverse networks
- IRC network
- irredundant network
- isolation network
- Kohonen network
- Kohonen self-organizing network
- Kosko network
- Kosko neural network
- L network
- ladder network
- LAN outer network
- land network
- lattice network
- lead network
- learning vector quantization network
- leased-line network
- linear integrated network
- linear network
- linear varying parameter network
- load-matching network
- local area network
- local computer network
- long-distance network
- long-haul network
- loop network
- loudspeaker dividing network
- lumped network
- lumped-constant network
- lumped-distributed network
- LVQ network
- Markovian network
- matching network
- McCulloch-Pitts network
- merging network
- mesh network
- meshed network
- message-switched network
- metropolitan area network
- mid-level network
- minimum-phase network
- MPLS network
- multiaccess network
- multi-attractor network
- multidimensional network
- multidrop network
- multifractal network
- multiinput-multioutput network
- multilayer neuron network
- multiple-access network
- multiply-connected network
- multipoint network
- multiport network
- multiprotocol label switching network
- multiprotocol transport network
- multiservice network
- multistage switching network
- multistar network
- multistation network
- multisystem network
- multiterminal network
- multiterminal-pair network
- municipal area network
- national information network
- network of microcomputer
- networks of limited equivalence
- networks ot general equivalence
- neural network with local connections
- neural network
- neural-like network
- nodal network
- nonlinear network
- nonplanar network
- nonreciprocal network
- nonuniformly distributed network
- notch network
- n-pole network
- n-port network
- n-terminal network
- n-terminal pair network
- one-port network
- O-network
- optical fiber network
- optical network
- optical neural network
- originating switching network
- packet commutation network
- packet data network
- packet radio network
- packet satellite network
- packet switch network
- packet switching network
- paging network
- parallel network
- parallel two-terminal pair networks
- parallel-T network
- partial mesh network
- partial meshed network
- passive network
- peaking network
- peer-to-peer network
- perceptron-type network
- percolation network
- personal communication network
- phase-advance network
- phase-shifting network
- phase-splitting network
- phasing network
- piece-linear network
- pilot wire controlled network
- pi-network
- planar network
- polarization matching network
- power distribution network
- preassigned network
- preemphasis network
- private network
- private-line intercity network
- probabilistic neural network
- projection pursuit network
- public data network
- public land mobile network
- public switched network
- public switched telephone network
- public telegraph network
- public telephone network
- pulse-forming network
- quadripole network
- quadrupole network
- quantum neural network
- queuing network
- radar network
- radio access network
- radio intercom network
- radio network
- radio-relay network
- rearrangeable network
- reciprocal network
- recognition network
- recurrent neural network
- regression neural network
- repeater network
- replicative neural network
- research network
- resistance-capacitance network
- resistive network
- resource-sharing computer-communication network
- ring-switched computer network
- routing network
- satellite tracking and data acquisition network
- satellite-earth stations network
- screw-dislocation network
- second-order network
- selective network
- semantic network
- semiconductor network
- series network
- series-peaking network
- series-shunt network
- series-shunt peaking network
- shaping network
- short-haul network
- shuffle network
- shunt network
- shunt-peaking network
- signal-shaping network
- single-layer neural network
- singly terminated network
- small business network
- social network
- software defined network
- solid-state network
- sorting network
- speaker dividing network
- stabilization network
- star network
- statistical Hopfield's network
- statistical Hopfield's neural network
- steering network
- storage area network
- store-and-forward network
- strategic network
- structurally dual networks
- structurally symmetrical networks
- stub network
- summation network
- summing network
- support network
- switched message network
- switched network
- switched telecommunications network
- switching network
- synchronous network
- synchronous neural network
- synchronous optical network
- systolic network
- tapered distribution network
- technologies support network
- telecommunication network
- telecommunications management network
- teletype network
- terminating switching network
- time delay neural network
- time-division analog network
- time-invariant network
- T-network
- token bus network
- Token Ring network
- token ring network
- transit network
- transmission network
- transputer network
- tree network
- trimming resistive network
- trunk network
- trusted network
- twin-T network
- two-pole network
- two-port network
- two-terminal network
- two-terminal-pair network
- unbalanced Feistel network
- undersea network
- uniformly distributed network
- unilateral network
- universal network
- untrained neural network
- user network
- value-added network
- virtual private network
- weighting network
- wide area network
- wireless intelligent network
- wireless local area network
- wireless wide area network
- work station network
- world-wide communication network
- WS network
- X-network
- Y-networkThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > network
16 TMC
1) Медицина: Total Midwifery Care2) Спорт: Trekking Mountaineering And Climbing3) Военный термин: Thompson machine carbine, Total Maintenance Contract, Transportation Materiel Command, Troop Medical Clinic, tactical medical center, tactical multichannel communications, test monitoring console, total materiel control, traffic movement control, training medical center, transport movement control4) Техника: time-and-1077 materials contract, total maintenance cost5) Шутливое выражение: The Ministry Of Carnage6) Юридический термин: Trouble Makin Crew7) Автомобильный термин: Traffic Message Channel, Traffic Messaging Channel8) Астрономия: Telescope Makers Convention9) Металлургия: Thermal Mechanical Control10) Оптика: total metal ceramic11) Телекоммуникации: Time-slot Management Channel12) Сокращение: Temporary Mobilization Centre, Test Management Center, Thermal Management Control, Titanium-Matrix Composite, time-and-materials contract, total annual material cost13) Университет: Top Of My Class14) Физика: Time Minimal Control15) Вычислительная техника: Traffic Message Channel (GPS), Thinking Machines Corporation (Hersteller)16) Литература: ToastMasters Club17) Фирменный знак: Taiwan Magnetic Company, The Most Creative, Thinking Machines Corporation19) Деловая лексика: Technology Management Centre, Total Market Coverage, Travel Manager Center20) Полимеры: tetramethylol cyclohexanol, thick molding compound (обозначение для прессованных изделий толще 25 мм.)21) NYSE. Times Mirror Company22) НАСА: The Maintenance Council23) Программное обеспечение: Theta Music Composer, Tini Mutation Compiler24) Единицы измерений: Trillion Meter Cube25) Международная торговля: Trilateral Municipal Cooperation -
17 training
( боевая) подготовка; обучение; тренировка; наведениеship-based training (for assault landing) — десантная подготовка совместно с кораблями и плавучими средствами
— career enhancing training— common-track training— continental US training— cross-rate training— gunnery-oriented training— hand-to-hand combat training— intra-unit training— joint service training— nuclear weapon training— physical readiness training— reserve cycle training— resident school training— rifle marksmanship training— systems specific training -
18 track
1) дорога; путь2) маршрут; трасса || прокладывать маршрут; прокладывать трассу4) след || следить; прослеживать5) колея || следовать по колее; прокладывать колею9) направляющее устройство; направляющая10) конвейер, транспортёр11) трак; гусеница, траковая лента13) протектор шины14) направление; курс; линия пути ( полёта)15) адресовать ( груз)18) дорожка ( звукозаписи); строчка ( видеозаписи)19) фонограмма ( фильма)21) дорожка перфорации, перфорация22) проводник; межсоединение; токопроводящая дорожка23) радио сопряжение контуров || сопрягать контуры24) сопровождение ( цели); слежение ( за целью) || сопровождать ( цель); следить ( за целью)26) мн. ч. ж.-д. путевое развитие•track on target — сопровождение цели;to enter the final approach track — выходить на посадочную прямую;-
acoustic track
address track
adjacent track
adjustable track
AGV track
air track
alternate track
arrival track
assigned track
audio track
auxiliary track
backing track
bad-order track
ballastless track
bidirectional tracks
bilateral sound track
bowl tracks
bridge-crane track
bubble track
bucket-carriage track
buried wire track
car-repair track
circular test track
classification track
clear track
click track
clock track
close-loop test track
cloud track
coiled track
coke pushing track
coke-screening track
coke-tar track
comopt sound track
completed mix track
composite optical sound track
composite track
compressed sound track
conductive track
continuous welded rail track
control track
convexed film track
convex film track
counterrotating tracks
crane track
crawler track
crossover track
cue track
data track
dead-end track
dead-level track
deflecting track
departure track
depth track
dialogue track
digital sound track
disk track
dispatch track
door track
door-machine track
double track
draw-out track
dredge track
drum track
dry-jointed track
editing audio track
electrified track
elevated track
empty track
entry track
exposed track
factory track
failure track
feed track
film track
flexible track
flight track
fog track
freight track
galvanometer track
gate track
guard track
heavy-duty track
hot-metal track
hot-moulded track
house track
humping track
inbound track
inclined track
industrial track
insulated track
intended track
interchange track
interconnection track
jointed track
ladder track
level track
library track
locomotive holding track
log track
longitudinal track
loosen track
low-pressure track
M&E track
magnetic sound track
magnetic track
main draw-out track
main-line track
marshaling track
meter-gage track
minimum time track
moulded track
multiple sound track
narrow track
narrow-gage track
needle track
nonballast track
occupied track
open line track
open-grid track
operating track
optical sound track
outgoing track
pallet transfer track
passing track
patterning selection track
patterning track
perforation track
power track
protective track
race track
railway track
rail track
receiving track
recording track
record track
reference track
relief track
reloading track
repair track
reproducing track
resistance track
ribbon track
rip track
rugged track
run-around track
satined track
scrap-delivery track
scratch track
service track
shearer track
side track
signal track
single track
snaky track
sorting track
sound channel track
sound track
spur track
standard-gage track
station track
straight track
stub track
support track
switch track
switching track
tail track
tangent track
tape track
teeming track
test track
time-code track
timing track
transverse track
true track
turnout track
unilateral sound track
unloading track
unoccupied track
variable-area track
variable-density sound track
video track
vocal track
waterway track
wear track
wheel track
wide track
wide-gage track
wiring track
wood track
yard track -
19 curve
1) выгиб
2) излучина
3) искривление
4) кривая
5) кружальный
6) лекало
7) лекальный
8) искривляться
9) закругление
10) изгиб
11) кривая линия
12) путь
13) эпюр
14) график
15) характеристика
– abnormal curve
– adiabatic curve
– adjustment curve
– altitude curve
– arc of curve
– arrival curve
– B-H curve
– basket curve
– bell-shaped curve
– binodal curve
– boundary curve
– branch of curve
– break in curve
– break of a curve
– broken curve
– calibration curve
– caustic curve
– climb curve
– coexistence curve
– Cole-Cole curve
– compound curve
– concavity of curve
– connecting curve
– continuous curve
– contl curve
– coordinate curve
– cosecans curve
– cosine curve
– cotangent curve
– counter curve
– current-time curve
– curve analyser
– curve fitting
– curve gauge
– curve of alignment
– curve of flexibility
– curve of growth
– curve of pursuit
– curve of road
– curve of the crossover
– curve piece
– curve tracing
– cycle curve
– decomposed curve
– decrement curve
– demand curve
– derived curve
– dip of curve
– distribution curve
– dotted curve
– double-humped curve
– easement curve
– effective curve
– equidistant curve
– equipotential curve
– equiprobability curve
– error curve
– exponential curve
– figure-of-eight curve
– focal curve
– frequency curve
– full curve
– funicular curve
– fusiblity curve
– generating curve
– harmonic curve
– hysteresis curve
– image curve
– imaginary curve
– inflection of a curve
– inflection of curve
– integral curve
– involute of a curve
– isobathic curve
– jagged curve
– level curve
– load curve
– load-duration curve
– loop of a curve
– loop of curve
– loxodromic curve
– magnetization curve
– moment curve
– narrow curve
– nodal curve
– non-dimensional curve
– open curve
– order of curve
– parabolic curve
– peak of curve
– peaked curve
– pedal curve
– percentile curve
– polytropic curve
– portion of a curve
– quadratic curve
– ranging of curve
– recrystallization curve
– rectificability of curve
– rectification of curve
– reducible curve
– regression curve
– resonance curve
– response curve
– return curve
– rocking curve
– saw tooth curve
– secant curve
– segment of curve
– sigmoid curve
– simple curve
– sine curve
– sinusoid curve
– slope of a curve
– solidification curve
– space curve
– stability curve
– standard curve
– steep curve
– stress-strain curve
– tail of curve
– tame curve
– tangent curve
– time-temperature curve
– traffic curve
– transcendental curve
– trend of curve
– truncated curve
– twisted curve
– vapor-pressure curve
– wide curve
"root locus" curve — корневой годограф
automatic curve follower — устойчиво для автоматического копирования кривых
community indifference curve — кривая общественного безразличия
flatness of a frequency curve — сглаженность кривой плотности
inflexional tangent to a curve — касательная в точке перегиба кривой
kurtosis of a frequency curve — эксцесс плотности распределения
kurtosis of frequency curve — эксцесс плотности распределения
simple abnormal curve — <math.> кривая анормальная симметричная
valley on temperature curve — <phys.> сброс температуры
20 frequency
= freq1) частота (1. величина, обратная периоду; величина, пропорциональная обратному периоду (напр. круговая частота) 2. частота появления случайного события, отношение встречаемости к числу испытаний) || частотный2) встречаемость ( случайного события); периодичность•- acoustic frequency
- acoustical frequency
- actual frequency
- air-ground radio frequency
- air-to-ground radio frequency
- alias frequency
- alpha cutoff frequency
- alternate frequency
- angular frequency
- antenna resonant frequency
- antiferromagnetic resonance frequency
- antiresonant frequency
- anti-Stokes frequency
- assigned frequency
- atomic frequency
- audio frequency
- aural center frequency
- authorized frequency
- avalanche frequency
- base frequency
- base-transport cutoff frequency
- basic frequency
- bass frequency
- beat frequency
- beta cutoff frequency
- bias frequency
- Bragg frequency
- break frequency
- bubble-propagation frequency
- bus frequency
- carrier frequency
- center frequency
- channel frequency
- characteristic frequency
- chopping frequency
- circular frequency
- clock frequency
- co-channel sound frequency
- collision frequency
- combination frequency
- commercial frequency
- complex frequency
- constant frequency
- core frequency
- corner frequency
- critical frequency
- critical fusion frequency
- crossover frequency
- cumulative relative frequency
- cutoff frequency
- cyclotron frequency
- data frequency
- data communications frequency
- 3-dB frequency
- dedicated frequency
- difference frequency
- diffusion frequency
- distress frequency
- Doppler frequency
- Doppler-beat frequency
- Doppler-shifted frequency
- down-link frequency
- drift frequency
- driving frequency
- dynamic-scattering cutoff frequency
- echo frequency
- electron Langmuir frequency
- electron paramagnetic resonance frequency
- electron plasma frequency
- expected frequency
- extinction frequency
- extremely high frequency
- extremely low frequency
- facsimile picture frequency
- ferrimagnetic-resonance frequency
- ferromagnetic-resonance frequency
- field frequency
- fixed frequency
- flicker-fusion frequency
- flutter frequency
- folding frequency
- forward-bias cutoff frequency
- frame frequency
- free-running frequency
- fundamental frequency
- fundamental scanning frequency
- fusion frequency
- gap frequency
- gliding frequency
- ground-air frequency
- ground-to-air frequency
- group frequency
- Gunn frequency
- half-power frequency
- harmonic frequency
- helicon frequency
- heterodyne frequency
- high frequency
- highest probable frequency
- horizontal-line frequency
- horizontal-scanning frequency
- hyperfine frequency
- hyperfine transition frequency
- hyperhigh frequency
- idler frequency
- image frequency
- imaginery frequency
- IMPATT-frequency
- impingement frequency
- impulse frequency - instantaneous frequency
- intercarrier frequency
- intermediate frequency
- intermodulation frequency
- intermodulation component frequency
- inversion-layer cutoff frequency
- ion cyclotron frequency
- ionization frequency
- ion plasma frequency
- jittered pulse-recurrence frequency
- Josephson frequency
- keying frequency
- knee frequency
- Langmuir plasma frequency
- Larmor frequency
- laser-frequency
- laser-emission-frequency
- lattice vibration frequency
- line frequency
- line screen frequency
- lobe frequency
- local-oscillator frequency
- locking frequency
- low frequency
- lower side frequency - lowest useful high frequency
- magnetohydrodynamic frequency
- magnetoplasma frequency
- mains frequency
- maser frequency
- maser-emission frequency
- master frequency
- maximum frequency of oscillation
- maximum keying frequency
- maximum modulating frequency - microwave frequency
- midband frequency
- mode frequency
- modulation frequency
- multiple frequency
- natural frequency
- nominal frequency
- notch frequency
- note frequency
- Nyquist frequency
- observed frequency
- operating frequency
- optical frequency - photoelectric threshold frequency
- picture frequency
- piezoelectric crystal antiresonant frequency
- piezoelectric crystal resonant frequency
- pilot frequency
- plasma frequency
- power frequency
- power-line frequency
- precession frequency
- primary frequency
- pulse-recurrence frequency - pumping frequency
- quasi-optical frequency
- quench frequency
- quenching frequency
- quiescent frequency
- radian frequency
- radio frequency
- rated frequency
- reactive cutoff frequency
- real frequency
- reference frequency
- relative frequency
- relative frequency
- repetition frequency
- resistive cutoff frequency
- resonance frequency
- resonant frequency
- rest frequency
- resting frequency
- ringing frequency
- ripple frequency
- scan frequency
- scanning-line frequency
- screen frequency
- secondary frequency
- second-channel frequency
- self-neutralization frequency
- self-resonant frequency
- SH frequency
- side frequency
- sonic frequency
- sound frequency
- sound carrier frequency
- sound center frequency
- space frequency
- spark frequency
- spatial frequency
- speech frequency
- spike frequency
- spin frequency
- spot frequency
- standard frequency
- Stokes frequency
- subaudio frequency
- subcarrier frequency
- subharmonic frequency
- sub-Nyquist frequency
- subsonic frequency
- sub-telephone frequency
- sum frequency
- summation frequency
- superaudio frequency - super-telephone frequency
- supply frequency
- suppression frequency
- sweep frequency
- synchronizing frequency
- threshold frequency - toggle frequency
- tone frequency
- top baseband frequency
- transition frequency
- transit-time frequency
- transit-time cutoff frequency
- transmission frequency
- TRAPATT frequency
- trapped plasma frequency
- treble frequency
- turnover frequency
- ultra-audible frequency - undamped frequency
- uniform precession frequency
- unity-gain frequency
- up-link frequency
- upper side frequency
- variable frequency
- vertical frequency - video frequency
- vision frequency
- vision carrier frequency
- visual carrier frequency
- voice frequency
- voltage gain cutoff frequency
- waveguide cutoff frequency
- window frequency
- wow frequency
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Crossover trash — Crossover thrash, souvent appelé crossover,[1] est un style de thrash metal très influencé par des éléments hardcore punk. Quelque fois appelé punk metal, ce qui est faux puisque le other music genres combine punk rock et heavy metal, tel que le… … Wikipédia en Français
Crossover (film) — Crossover Movie poster for Crossover Directed by Preston A. Whitmore II Produced by … Wikipedia
Crossover (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) — Crossover Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Kira meets her MU counterpart, the Intendant … Wikipedia
Crossover thrash — Crossover thrash, souvent appelé simplement crossover[1], est un style de thrash metal très influencé par des éléments hardcore punk. Ce genre est une continuité entre le punk rock et le heavy metal. Le terme Crossover a été utilisé pour la… … Wikipédia en Français
Crossover (música) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Crossover es un anglicismo que se puede traducir al castellano por fusión. Consiste en la creación de composiciones o arreglos que vinculan elementos de dos estilos de origen diferente, o combinar elementos de… … Wikipedia Español
Crossover Dreams — Directed by Leon Ichaso Produced by Carl Haber, Manuel Arce Written by Leon Ichaso, Manuel Arce Starring Ruben Blade … Wikipedia
Time to Say Goodbye (álbum) — Time to Say Goodbye / Timeless álbum de estudio de Sarah Brightman y La Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres Publicación 2 de junio de 1997 … Wikipedia Español
Crossover (music) — This article is about the general use of the term in popular music. For other uses, see Crossover. Crossover is a term applied to musical works or performers appearing on two or more of the record charts which track differing musical tastes, or… … Wikipedia
Crossover study — A crossover study (also referred to as a crossover trial) is a longitudinal study in which subjects receive a sequence of different treatments (or exposures). While crossover studies can be observational studies, many important crossover studies… … Wikipedia
Crossover (Medien) — Als Crossover (auf deutsch sinngemäß „Handlungsüberschneidung“) bezeichnet man in Medien das Auftreten zweier oder mehrerer Figuren, Handlungsorte oder anderer einzigartiger Elemente aus voneinander unabhängigen Werken in einer Geschichte. Ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Crossover (figure skating) — Crossovers are a basic stroking technique in figure skating for gaining impetus while skating along a curve or circle. They may be performed while skating either forwards or backwards. To perform forward crossovers in a counterclockwise direction … Wikipedia